client = factory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(uri, "bwanke", "Jako2014!") Private static URI uri = URI.create(" public static void main( String args ) throws URISynta圎xception I read a lot of tutorials and i found JRJC. user = promise.claim() (String.format("Logging in to %s with username '%s' and password '%s'", " "bwanke", "Jako2014W!")) įinal AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory factory = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory() įinal. issue = promiseIssue.claim() Promise promise = client.getUserClient().getUser("bwanke") Ĭom. ("some TEST-1 details " + issue.getAssignee() + " " + issue.getSummary() + " " + issue.getWorklogs()) (String.format("Your admin user's email address is: %s\r\n", user.getEmailAddress())) Promise promiseIssue = client.getIssueClient().getIssue("TEST-1") Ĭom. Promise promise = client.getUserClient().getUser("ezizconduct") I tried to import the following libraries: jira-rest-java-client-2.0.0-m2.jar, jira-rest-java-client-3.0.0.jar and jira-rest-java-client-4.0.0.jarīut i have still one problem. The Exception is: Exception in thread "main" : Unresolved compilation problems: The Project property expected by the connector's actions and triggers should be filled using one of the following options: Pick a project from the project picker. Note that JIRA Cloud connections show only top 50 projects in the picker. If hosting Jira behind a reverse-proxy, such as Apache, see Integrating Jira with Apache using SSL for more information. Use an output from the Get projects action (project's Project Key property). When you add a new connection, like an SSL one, the Jira config tool saves an entry with connection details in the server.xml file. It is indirectly referenced from required.
#Warframe jira client location software#
The method getUser(String) from the type UserRestClient refers to the missing type Promise With best-of-breed features, security, privacy, and the right tool for every step of your journey - Jira Software allows you to scale without friction - regardless of your company size. The method getIssue(String) from the type IssueRestClient refers to the missing type Promise #Warframe jira client software Archetype: maven-archetype-quickstart 1.1.
#Warframe jira client location code#
I copied my old code from above to the new project. Then i have copied the dependencies from: #Warframe jira client code I don't import any libraries, but he doesn't regonize any classes.